Wie man Fallstudien in Kalt-E-Mails verwendet

Founder @ Lynn Lead Generation
This guide covers how to effectively use case studies in cold email
Case studies are the key to successful outreach, yet companies in the 9 figures aren't using them correctly and if they are, are using them ineffectively.
Step 1
Take all of your case studies, list out simply:
Mechanism to achieve the result
Quantifiable outcomes
Time taken to achieve results
Any proof of completion
Defining factor of the case studies persona
Step 2
Take all of these aspects, and add them into a one-two liner case study
"We recently helped SmashGroup, a functionality growth SaaS, to 10x their revenue in 90 days through our simple lead to generation outbound system"
(Please note this is a made up case study)
Step 3
Ensure to tailor the outreach to the prospect. Take case studies as similar as possible to the targets company or to the target market they are reaching out to.
Finally, all case studies and emails must be short and sweet. Do not overcomplicate them. But you may offer the longer, more detailed case study to the prospect through email.
Unsere KI-gestützten, kulturell nuancierten Kaltakquise-E-Mails verbinden Skalierbarkeit mit menschlicher Note, um 90 % Ihres ungenutzten Marktes zu erreichen, ohne Ihre Arbeitslast, Mitarbeiterzahl zu erhöhen oder die Qualität zu beeinträchtigen.
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Technischer Verkaufsleiter, Propellor Studios