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How we added $1.5M+ in Pipeline Value for Mintec


Product/Service:  Commodity Price Data Provider
Market:  MNEs in the Foodservice and Industrial Sectors
Result:  $1.5M+ Pipeline Value - 31 Introductions in a Single Month

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How We Book Propeller Studios 20+ Demos per Month Consistently

Propeller Studios

Product/Service: SaaS Provider to the Construction Industry
Market:  UK Construction Companies -> Helped to Expand into European Market
Result:  20+ product demos per month with Company Directors

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How We Helped Substly Meet with 30+ Decision-makers in 90 Days


Product/Service: SaaS Management Platform
Market:  Initial UK Market -> Helped to Expand into European Market
Result:  30+ Demos in 90 Days


Substly is a SaaS management tool for SMBs, offering insights into software license usage and costs. It emphasizes cost-saving, data security, and has a user-friendly interface. Being a Swedish-based company they were looking to expand out of this market into the UK and Europe but were unsure how. They wanted an increase in lead flow to gain market share.

How we helped

We took the most appealing parts of Substly to contact decision-makers in the UK. Using our lead nurturing systems we educated prospects on the product and consistently booked product demos. After an amazing effort in the UK, Substly gave us the go-ahead to expand into Europe. Ever since we have been booking them appointments on demand in UK and Europe, with plans to scale to 20-30 demos per month.

The Result

Substly now have a consistent supply of leads and appointments, having expanded out of Sweden, establishing growth in new markets. With this, they have gained a foothold in new industries that previously were not on their radar.

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How we booked SEOtagg 6 Appointments in 5 days


Product/Service: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Agency
Market:  UK Companies -> Expanded into the European Market (SaaS Companies)
Result:  6 Appointments in 5 days


SEOTagg is a B2B-focused SEO agency that uses a unique 'Quantum SEO' approach. This method dives deep into every SEO element, predicts search trends using advanced analytics, and leverages machine learning for continuous refinement. They emphasize holistic integration, digital PR, and optimal site crawlability to enhance B2B visibility and lead generation.

How we helped

SEO is a service which is quite saturated due to the high market competition. We helped SEOtagg stand out amongst competitors by changing their offer to be more value driven. We booked SEOtagg 6 appointments in 5 days, with 7 more interested prospects waiting to be converted into appointments. SEOtagg now have a steady supply of qualified leads.

The Result

SEOtagg now stand out in the competitive SEO market, able to get the recognition they deserve. They also have a consistent number of appointments in the pipeline, in both the UK and Europe. We are helping them expand into new industries they previously were not targeting.

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How We Booked Playerence 10 Demos in the First 30 Days


Product/Service: Professional Gamified Quiz Platform
Market:  Expanded from Sweden into the European Market
Result:  10 Demos in 30 days


Playerence is a Swedish gamified quiz platform that helps businesses attract customers and improve branding through interactive quizzes and competitions. Tailored to Marketing Executives, agencies, and HR managers, they offer engagement tools for social media, newsletters, and intranets. With a focus on brand-specific design and diverse question types, Playerence has been assisting clients since 2012 in enhancing client and employee engagement. They were struggling with product demo flow and needed help to keep a consistent pipeline even with their unique offer.

How we helped

Leveraging the uniqueness of the Playerence platform, we created a curiosity-inducing and value-driven email campaign that targeted a variety of industries. After this, we leveraged our 'demo-first' approach, targeting marketing leaders who were keen to see the product.

The Result

Playerence now have a consistent pipeline, with 8 out of the 10 calls beginning trials of the platform. We helped to expand into new markets and industries that they weren't previously targeting, and once Playerence gets a foothold, product demos will only increase. Due to the company's founder-led sales process, we were even requested to limit the number of demos as soon they will be at capacity. Playerence no longer has to worry about where their next lead is coming from.

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How We Book Hyper-qualified Appointments For Samawatt


Product/Service: Renewable Energy Trading SaaS
Market:  European Renewable Energy Companies
Result:  Hyper-qualified demos on demand


Samawatt helps wind and solar park operators manage their market risk efficiently by providing pertinent solutions such as accurate production and price forecast, spot market trading strategies, battery storage optimization, and peer-to-peer energy exchange using modern technology and powerful algorithms. Their solution is targeted at a highly specified client profile.

How we helped

Leveraging largely manual and AI-based lead list building we created highly targeted lead lists. With these lead lists, we were able to create personalised scripts that highlight the benefits and value of the SaaS. This means we can book demos only with prospects Samawatt wishes to meet - allowing us to filter out any unqualified leads.

The Result

Samawatt now has consistent high quality product demos with decision makers in Europe and multiple closed deals - we have also helped them expand their market share within Europe, with plans to expand into the USA for the future.

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How We Got Hexis-Recruitment To Fulfillment Capacity


Product/Service: Recruitment
Market:  UK Accounting
Result:  20+ Appointments (More Possible)


Hexis Recruitment is a UK agency specializing in finance and accountancy roles. With over 20 years in the industry, they have a vast network of professionals worldwide. They provide tailored recruitment services for clients and candidates, ensuring optimal matches without hidden fees, and maintain transparency throughout the process. They were struggling to keep the supply of leads constant with most of their work coming from referrals and word of mouth.

How Did We Do It?

Using Job Posting specific outreach (Targeting open job titles for roles we have applications for currently or previously) we were able to make the decision a no-brainer for the person receiving the email. It meant we could generate on-demand meetings with decision-makers/hiring managers who had agreed to Hexis's terms. We leveraged this, alongside using Hexis's strong reputation and length of time in the industry to book as many meeting as possible.

The Result?

Hexis now has more work than they can currently handle. As of currently, we have had to pause outreach whilst Hexis focuses on expanding the team to be able to take on more work than we will help them acquire. They're now at operational maximum and never have to worry about where their next client is coming from ever again, or meeting with potential clients that don't agree to the terms of their offer.

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How We Helped SendInCavalry Expand Into New Markets/Countries


Product/Service: Flexible Staff Management SaaS
Market:  UK Healthcare -> UK General/USA General
Result:  10+ Demos Per Month


Cavalry streamlines flexible team management, offering automation, compliance monitoring, and customizable compensation. It simplifies timesheets and ensures adherence to work regulations, catering especially to shift workers. Having originally been focused on the UK Healthcare sector, they decided they wanted to expand into new markets and industries. For example, they wanted to expand into the United States, and the Events Management sector in the UK.

How Did We Do It?

Leveraging some of their newer case studies and the customisable functionality that sets them apart from the competition, we generated interest. We undertook the 5-10-15-20 follow-ups it sometimes takes to get decision-makers on the phone and interested. Through this, we regularly generate 10+ demos with decision-makers in a variety of industries and countries to help SendInCavalry expand into new markets and industries. Once new case studies have been prepared results will only improve.

The Result?

SendInCavalry is now expanding into the Events Management industry, slowly moving into other industries and has been setting up new clients in the United States. Things are looking extremely bright with our expansion case study techniques, meaning over the coming months results will only improve!

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How We Helped Educate Refill Their Pipeline


Product/Service: Marketing
Market:  UK Education
Result:  Consistent Demos


Educate Direct is a digital marketing consultancy focused on student recruitment. With over 18 years of experience, they create tailored campaigns for educational institutions globally, emphasizing ROI. They continuously optimize campaigns for efficiency across various digital platforms. Their expertise lies in matching the right media with targeted messaging to engage audiences. They wanted a more consistent supply of appointments.

How Did We Do It?

The key to success was to leverage their niche/uniqueness, there are many marketing companies but few with the connections and skills the same as Educate. Using case study and value-filled outreach, we made contact with their ideal client profile then slowly educated them and convinced them to hop onto a call.

The Result?

Educate now has a consistent supply of leads for their marketing offer, and in the near future, will have appointments for their ACCA offering as well. We have helped them explore contacting outside of the United Kingdom education companies, and will be helping them expand into Asia.

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